The latest cuts: Rodney Mack, Jazz, Johnny Stamboli, Gail Kim, Chuck Palumbo, Nidia and Rico.
(Looks like my quip about Palumbo in danger was actually prophetic!)
Let me see: they cut Rodney Mack, not really a loss... but this is the guy they laid off D-Lo Brown for? A double waste!
Both Johnny Stamboli and Chuck Palumbo gone... first of all, why did they bother trading Palumbo and A-Train to RAW if they were just going to bury them and ultimately fire them? Secondly: now Nunzio is the only member of the former F.B.I. left. The fed doesn't seem to have any interesting plans for him; I'm worried his continuing job prospects are shaky too.
Gail, Nidia and Rico: three extremely talented performers, three wasted talents.
Jazz just never really caught on with fans. The whole "I'm too tough to be a Diva" gimmick just wore thin.
Both A-Train and Test are guys coming back from injury. Nothing like a pinkslip to aid recovery along, eh? I didn't enjoy either guy in the ring, but I don't like how they were released.