Wednesday, February 23, 2005

RAW for Monday Feb 21

(Apparently, I can type a title if I desire, but it won't show up on my blog. Oh well.)

RAW this week was a show with one good match (the tag bout with Edge-Christian/ Orton-HBK) a lot of lousy brief bouts, more story leading to awful Wrestlemania bouts (Chris Benoit wasted with Mohamed Hassan? The red-headed spaz versus Trish Stratus? I can already see ticket buyers asking for their money back!) a debut as lame as forcast (Chris Masters was painful to watch)... and one good segment - Batista finally turning on HHH.

Okay, we wanted to see that - but why waste the rest of the show?

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I just watched my VCR taping of Velocity. I've come to see one of the major problems with the talent cuts WWE made a few months back: they can't cut useless no-talents like Heidenreich now, as their roster is too thin.

People are now being called up from OVW, since their salaries are lower in demand. Problem is: some of the people they cut are a million times better in the ring, even if they cost more. Vince chose the bottom line over talent.