Friday, March 22, 2002

I think the new stylist for Chuck and Billy is Rico Constantino... having never seen him in the ring, I don't know what he looks like. Still, the fact they called him 'Rico' makes it more likely...

At first, I was surprised (and pleased) there were 7 matches on Smackdown!. Then I realized that two of them had non-finishes for storyline purposes - so Brock Lesnar went to the ring to decimate The Hurricane and Molly, while X-Pac was revealed as the new member of the nWo rather than finish the Rock/Nash match (although I'd already seen enough of 'Big Lazy' by that point anyways).

I just hope we won't see more nWo defectors. That was the major reason why the storyline tanked in WCW to begin with.

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

I'm more than a few hours late on this, but I wanted to get my feeling on RAW here in Montreal down:

  • Small disappointments: The Rock didn't have a heel turn on Hogan, and Triple H didn't reveal a new title belt... but there were already many things on RAW to make up for it...

  • The "brand split" is finally happening! At first, I thought it'd make a bad choice for Montreal (with the constant drama of Separation over our heads in Quebec), but it made sense that the RAW after a PPV had more action than a draft pick could make.

  • When the cameras went off on the Flair/Vince segment went off, Earl Hebner ran out to help him. With this the city of the "1997 Screwjob", it was no surprise that a "You screwed Bret!" chant began; my friend and I were chanting it with thumbs up. :). Vince gasped into the mic "If I could, I'd do it again and again!"

  • Brock Lesnar is HUGE. Even from several rows up, he still look massive. That was a tremendous debut.

  • While it wasn't his debut, we got to see Randy Orton for the Jakked tapings. Unlike Brock, he didn't impress us that much.

Monday, March 18, 2002

Wrestlemania is now done by at least an 8-hour stretch... and I have to admit that while it wasn't the best, it wasn't that bad. Before the show, I remembered that X-7 looked pretty lame on paper too...

One small negative bit: I hope Saliva haven't given Triple H a new theme here... their new song lacked serious good vibes for the show.

While I still thgink the "24/7" rules for the Hardcore title make the matches too chaotic and don't sell a cohesive story, the Hurricane's swing in by rope to win the title was hilarious... and with Mighty Molly now a former Hardcore champ, all the wrestling Holly's have now held the belt!

Hulk Hogan getting a huge pop in Toronto was... well, weird. That he lost cleanly to the Rock wasn't a bad thing (to quote DDP), it was a good thing... but with both he and Scott Hall losing the entire nWo angle is hurting now, so soon after it debut'd... Hogan as a face now makes sense for this as his "farewell tour"... but I suspect Rock joining the faction tonight on RAW. I was expecting it last night, it looked like it'd happen in the ring - but since I'll be at RAW here in Montreal tonight, I'll see if this prediction comes true.

(Plus, I'll be crowing just about being there!)