Thursday, December 29, 2005

Smackdown! - Dec. 30th

Were they EVER scraping the bottom of the talent pool here! Fit Finley soon returning to active duty? Fit freakin' Finley?!!! Man, he almost would make me miss Bob Holly!

We also got the return of Mark Henry, helping the SD! roster talent pool to drop in quality even more... and giving Batista a guaranteed poor title reign, based on his challengers.

Alleged rape as a storyline? That is so NOT something to interest anyone.

Smackdown! was something almost worth ignoring for commentary this week... but with RAW having been too lame to write anything about, I wanted to post something before the end of 2005... I just wish I could end the year on a positive note.

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Sunday, December 25, 2005

TNA Impact, Christmas Eve

Holiday time had me slow down on posting again...

IMPACT this week actually moved toward more storytelling. The skit with Christian Cage making himself into a copy of Jeff Jarrett was actually pretty funny - and when the audience began to chant "Double C!" I nearly lost it.

Rick Scaia on Online Onslaught spoke of the "InVasion" of talent they had against the homegrown ones, and how the fed was missing that - but this week it definitely looks like that is the exact idea they're going with.

(I just realized: I've now done my part to help with the OO Pledge Drive!)

They are also building up to something with Shannon Moore and the Hebners also. I wish they'd ditched Shannon's "prince of punk" bit, but I guess it gives them a new catch-phrase for him, so they kept it.

I'm realizing how their World title pool is now getting more filled with choices too: Christian Cage, Raven, maybe Rhino again, AJ Styles... and soon Sting as well. Maybe Vince McMahon will start to take notice in 2006...

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