Wahoo McDaniels, one of the earliest Native American wrestlers to gain major fame, died at the age of 63. He'd apparently suffered from poor health for years.
Saturday, April 20, 2002
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
I hope the show goes through some major tweaking, and soon.
This was supposed to give more people the possibility of TV time; so far, it only seems that the same folks focussed on before are now split up between two shows. A large portion of the rosters still aren't getting much exposure.
The "all ECW alumni" Hardcore match drove that fact home. Other than their moment of TV time, how often have we seen Steven Richards or Tommy Dreamer lately? Not much at all.
Looking at the remaining competitors, I think Hawk and Jackie will win. We haven't seen enough of Jackie's personality to judge, but Linda grates on everyone's nerves, and Anni just seems to have no personality whatsoever.
On the men's side: while Hawk is a fugged up human being, he's also the only one who has shown any trace of a personality.
We're down to one cut for both the ladies and the guys before we find out (if they're following the same pattern as the last series)!
Monday, April 15, 2002
Still... that A.J. is gone is something I'm happy about. With her back messed up weeks ago, I saw the writing on the wall there.
Jesse leaving was also an "about time!" situation. Granted, like Chris Jericho said you don't have to be big to make it anymore... but she was still too small. I couldn't picture her as credible in the ring, even in a match against Spike Dudley -- where he'd actually be the big guy!