The first and widely publicized cut: after 12 years with the company, many runs as a tag team champion, and even a small not-real push after the King of the Ring, Billy Gunn was cut.
He's been off TV for about a month now, and no one complained. I heard a lot of complaints about him in the ring, often of the "he stank it up" variety. The guy just lacked charisma, and it spread to his ring-work. I think the only surprise is the length of time he was with WWE; many people (me included) expected him to get an office job or something like that. I guess we were wrong.
The other cut: A-Train/Albert. Again, no real surprise. He only showed up once on RAW, we never saw him again. I thought he was already let go.
Albert was another guy who just never caught on with fans (waving here!). He also probably won't be missed much.
The way things are going for Chuck Palumbo now... I get the feeling he'll be cut soon too.
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