Thursday, August 21, 2003

UPN seem to have channeled the same retarded censorship bug crawling up the asses of the folks at TSN on Smackdown! tonight...

First, they eliminated the color on Zack Gowen so it wouldn't seem like blood on him. Problem is: they kept cutting back to Brock Lesner in color, even though he had Zack's blood all over him. Sphincter says what?

Then, they unfocused the camera for Zack's beatdown on the stretcher. How was this any different from the hundreds of other stretcher jobs we've seen over the years?

Finally, to add insult to injury, they cut the sound for an entire verse of John Cena's rap. Very weak, UPN.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

In a far less significant story: who didn't feel that Kevin Nash gettng his hair chopped was telegraphed by his dramatic hair color change?
There were some story flaws in RAW yesterday, but I think the new "Katie Vick"-calibre plotline they began is their worst decision:

Making Eric Bischoff an assumed rapist. That in itself is not only a storyline not worthy of being in wrestling, but it makes for a very insensitive sham.

We KNOW such an evil act isn't going to happen - but what about the many thousands of people who do get raped? How often are they accused of making the 'story' up? Far too many times. Now they have a situation that really IS made up... and something that can be used by the folks who try to snow us about this evil.