I just watched the latest Smackdown!. It wasn't a clunker, but it still had serious problems in my view.
A show that begins with a match between Randy Orton and Bob Holly can only get better. I'm starting to seriously believe the cheers when he enters the ring are taped, based on how the crowd was dead for the match itself.
How did the match between Heidenreich and Johnny Nitro go? It was so thrilling, I slept through it all.
Ken Kennedy gets his first non-Velocity match. His flip roll move is interesting, but he isn't; I guess with the B-shows soon ending, the federation is bringing these scrubs to prime time...
It seems the fed is giving us a UPN "programing consultant" to hate. I suspect he'll be gone as of the move to USA Network. Besides. why else would he give us another Batista-JBL match, and a card that so far isn't an interesting reason to watch the Friday show?
We also saw that Rey Mysterio's contact lenses are back. I guess the non-lens look was just for the storyline after all.
One thing this show really drove home: it really got the short end of the stick in the Draft Lottery when it comes to star power. It really feels like a minor league show more than ever.