Saturday, February 10, 2007

A new XFL?

I thought about something today: when Vince McMahon launched the XFL, it tanked. Why?

Because Vince tried his own spin on it, and he no longer has a clue what works.

At the time, I thought he'd now choose to focus on his wrestling product, which had suffered from neglect.

With ECW though he's shown he can no longer do that well.

Apparently the triple threat match with Lashley, RVD and Test went off so badly last month that Vinnie promised the show would never be live again. Then he showed up on the program, and the rating dove again.

I think Vinnie has forgotten how to make good product anymore, so this will also tank.

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Has it been a week of wrestling yet?

Deuce and Domino haven't tried for the Smackdown! tag titles yet, but they got to face the champs already. With the only other current team Steve Regal and David Taylor, it's understandable; they have nothing else to do.

Vince McMahon saying the old ECW sucked is almost funny, when it's followed by a title match with Test against champ Bobby Lashley for the third time. Wrestling Society X is actually more like ECW WAS anyway.

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