Monday, September 09, 2002

First, lets look at the good stuff from RAW: Rob Van Dam gets the main event push. He's busted his butt to get there, and fans really want to see him in the World title hunt.

It's also good to see Bubba Ray, Booker T, and Tommy Dreamer getting the big pushes they deserve - especially Tommy. I was worried that after the Hardcore title was phased out he'd be buried.

Now for the bad: Lesbian shtick used as a cheap ratings ploy. Worse, it's just the sort of non-wrestling crap that earns our favorite non-sport great disrespect.

The ugly: TSN yet again proved its initials should represent The Sissy Network. As soon as Rosie and Jamal appeared, they cut to an extended commercial sequence. I've learned this is their reaction to a bad rep over 5 years ago now. Hey, Thought Cops? Move on already!

By far the top of the Ugly department: Jerry Lawler's constant 12-year old lech routine. When an announcer gets so annoying that Tony Shiavonne would seem better, you know that they're bad.