Saturday, March 03, 2001

Wow. You skip posting for a week to wrap up work (my contract ended this past week), not viewing the wrestling news site... and you miss a lot!

As you've likely read alsewhere: the Kat was fired from the WWF on this past Tuesday at the Smackdown tapings. In protest, Jerry "the King" Lawler resigned, in support of his wife.

This explains things I found puzzling about Smackdown. I was wondering why Jim Ross was co-hosting the show, and why the RTC angle made little sense; now I know.

I suspect that there's a lot more about this story than we've heard. Some reports have stated that Kat was difficult to work with, and had an attitude. Considering how little her time on TV has been since dropping the Womens' Title to shudder Moolah last year, I don't see where this supposed attitude came from.

On Jerry Lawler's own site, he issued a statement about the whole affair. His story sounds reasonable - but it is just one side of the story. Until I can hear more reports, I can't take it as fact.

The loss of Lawler from WWF programming will hurt a lot. I'm not turning around on my past opinions of him; I still find him one of the most annoying announcers in the promotion today. Still, he did add character to the programming, something that I don't see any of the rumored alternatives providing.