Vince McMahon and the WWF "brain trust" just don't get it; the story is that they may end up cutting people from their roster as a cost cutting measure; that won't help. When the main event is yet another match between Steve Austin and The Undertaker - guys who couldn't pull off an interesting match together a few months ago - why would this one be any different? Vince, your act is STALE, kapeesh? Change it, or you're doomed to keep repeating failures.
Thursday, November 01, 2001
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
What if this defection is nothing but a swerve, a way of pulling the wool over Austin's eyes, leading to Kurt switching back at the worst time?
I guess we'll find out in a few weeks.
Tuesday, October 30, 2001
I think that WWF creative folks have dried up on original ideas, and now want to just imitate the nWo "storyline" formula: just have another wrestler defect to their camp for no logical reason every few weeks.
Kurt Angle won't add a lick of interest to the still mind-numb feud, nor sizzle of any sort. Only the Rock / Jericho feud is different (and I hope Chris ultimately wins it, or it'll be "same old, same old"), and Austin / RVD, because it's also different (both are feuds in their own organizations, not the easy "WWF versus Alliance riff the writers have used to death). Sadly, I don't think Vince and two of 34-D Steph "get it" enough.