Friday, June 14, 2002

According to news on Online Onslaught, the WWE issued a statement that Steve Austin was released.

I agree with Rick Scaia though: with the frequent mention of it on Smackdown! on Thursday, and the fact that the story is being given major airing on Confidential this weekend, I'm anticipating it being a work.

Now that I think of it: Austin got a major hype spot on Confidential last week too. That makes the story more suspicious too. You don't make a big deal about a performer one week then fire him the next

Thursday, June 13, 2002

I've read that Austin is now indefinitely suspended, won't be in booking plans.

Serves him right. Being unhappy with booking plans is one thing. Walking out instead of dealing with them, holding an entire company effectively hostage for you... that's just plain unprofessional in my view.

Hooboy! The WWE hit a new record sales low for Smackdown!: they only manages to fill about half the seats, and this when the ticket prices were lower too!

In news that nearly slipped in below the radar: Diamond Dallas Page has decided to retire. After meeting with doctors about his back problems, he realized it would be too long before he recovered enough to get back in the ring.

He deserves much props for his career, having achieved so much as a wrestler after he turned 40.

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

In an example of 'hot shot' angles, Vince McMahon is now "100-percent owner" of the WWE again.

His initial rant speech reflected the feelings of a large number of fans, about the RAW brand really sucking... but there seem to be no plans of the two brands merging again. Not that they could anyway, considering how many storylines would be negatively impacted.

Not that this change was enough to prevent Steve Austin from walking out again as a show of his displeasure at the product. I don't see how just leaving can improve it.

It also seems that Booker-T's face turn has been ramped up via Shawn Michaels superkick. I guess we'll see if this pans out as well.