Thursday, September 13, 2001

I stand corrected: apparently Smackdown! did air on some UPN channels, just not the one I get.

All is still quiet on the wrestling front, as expected.

In the wake of such horror, Vince McMahon, the 'Great Satan' to idiots like the PTC, wouldn't be insensitive enough to force talents to perform under such grief.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

There won't be any new commentary on wrestling today.

With the horrific events in New York City and Washington (among others) today, I just don't feel right jawing about events in the WWF today.

Monday, September 10, 2001

An element of Heat last night disturbed me greatly:

In his television debut, Tommy Dreamer jobbed to Tajiri.

Granted, it wasn't a squash match. He did get in some offence. Problem is: this loss, along with those by Raven, Tazz and Hugh Morris - frequent ones in their cases - makes him a member of the Alliance J. O. B. Squad. He didn't come across as a credible challenge, and as a result someone not worth taking seriously.

The Alliance angle has really lost steam in a short time. With only Austin, Kanyon, Booker T and RVD focused on as credible wrestlers, the rest become the nWo B-Team all over again.