Wednesday, September 27, 2000

This morning was my taped Nitro off TSN... the fact that they aren't on at the same time here in Canada means I don't have to concern myself with the Monday Night Wars (although from what I've read, they didn't book intelligently this week in WCW), but some things did come to mind:

(See, I'm an equal-opportunity critic!)

  1. Sean O'Hare and Mark Jindrak winning the World Tag-team titles: too soon. As I've said elsewhere, they're still too green. They have no charisma in the ring, and they still steal too many moves from WWF workers (the 'Sean-ton Bomb??!)

  2. Jim Duggan: in his new gimmick, he just looks like a bigger goof than he already did.

    Hulk Hogan was well-overdue to leave American rings; Duggan should ne next, in my view. He's just too corny and silly-looking for today.

  3. The Booker-T/Vince Russo main event: this was a good example of a match extremely over-booked. The Filthy Animals, NBT, Luger, Sting, Ric Flair... all of them confused the issue of a match.

Tuesday, September 26, 2000

I just watched my tape of RAW from last night (TSN aired it at midnight, and I wasn't going to stay up to watch it!). Some thoughts:

  1. The Hardy Boyz/Edge and Christian ladder match was far and away better than the cage match at Unforgiven.

  2. It looks like Tazz push is continuing the trend of being one for Raven, with Tazz just garnering tainted wins.

  3. I've come to realize I'm bored of the entire Steve Austin gimmick. Chugging beer, giving the finger, and using the same catch-phrases all the time just doesn't captivate me.

    (Kind of the same stuff I'm tired of with the Rock, actually).

Monday, September 25, 2000

There are times it really stinks to be living in Montreal, Canada...

My digital TV service, LOOK, doesn't have TNN available as a channel - almost a year after I first asked for it.

So, I'll be stuck seeing the hack-job that TSN and the CRTC give us at midnight again... as I have until now.

Happy happy joy joy.

Unforgiven wasn't the worst PPV I've seen this year... but it was a disappointing one on many fronts:

  • Tazz' match - I figured that this would be the match that finally erased the sour taste of all of his non-push of the past few months - but it wasn't really.

    He won the match, true... but not alone. It was more because of the re-debut of Raven. It wasn't so much the beginning of a Tazz push as it was one for Raven

  • Austin's run-down - I can understand the WWF wanting to have some sort of big event to start their run on TNN. Problem is, they built up this PPV based on this particular thing. To give us a let-down fake resolution - then say to tune in to RAW to find out - well, that was just a crap out.

  • The main event - As big an iten as Titan wants us to think The Rock is, you wouldn't know it from the group I watched the event with. As a whole, we're all sick and tired of him, and his win here came across as cheap.

    Worse... will Chris Benoit ever win the title and get to keep it? Soon as he won, we were ready for Foley to come out and take it from him. Vince: he deserves the damn thing, and it would have made for a better finish for the PPV!

I ended up going to bed late for work because of this, and it wasn't worth the effort.

Sunday, September 24, 2000

Rick Scaia theorizes on the Austin Run-down in today's Online Onslaught.

I've made no denials of my respect for Rick's column in the past. This is a case of "Why reinvent the wheel?", and I think he already wrote a great column on the Steve Austin run-down... so I'll add a link to it here - thus violating the concept of not just stealing ideas from fellow writers.