Are WWE Creative thinking of duplicating that? I hope not. Hunter is not even a fraction as charismatic as Ric is. Where Flair was a heel you loved to hate, Hunter is one you just hate because you hate him.
Friday, December 19, 2003
Monday, December 15, 2003
There were a few interesting things: Chris Jericho's ultimate face turn is more likely now. We have a new Intercontinental champion in Randy Orton; he needs the belt to get over. RVD doesn't.
We also have new tag team chanpions - but this was where the crap started. In a stagnant division, Jindrak and Cade could have used the elevation of the titles. Even Test and Steiner, though they're new to the division, could have shaken it up.
Instead, we get a Dusty finish: Flair and Batista, added at the last second, take the gold. What does this add to the tag scene? Nothing.
Now for the Main Event. In one pinfall, Goldberg's mystique is shot. Kane's monster heel persona is made pointless... and Vince' son-in-law (in my opinion, as soon as he said "I do." he should have been taken out of World title contention. It now smacks of nepotism) gets his way to stink up RAW again.
I was almost nauseous. I left the PPV unhappy - as were likely many folks.