Saturday, February 15, 2003

Well, Triple H supposedly proposed to Stephanie McMahon on Valentine's Day... and she said yes.

The conspiracy theorists will go crazy over this.

Thursday, February 13, 2003

Another example of the WWE wasting talent: we got the news today that D'lo Brown is being released next month.

They give him a new gimmick, then cast him out right away.

He's always had talent underused. This stinks.

Smackdown! had more than it's share of returns and switchovers tonight... Kanyon returned, Johnny "the Bull" Stamboli is now there... and the (from what I've heard) underwhelming Nathan Jones will be there soon.

Isn't it interesting how guys that the RAW bookers have no idea what to do with (Shelton Benjamin, Sean O'Haire and Johnny) go over the SD! and immediately get a character? Hey Vince, how many clues do you need that your booking staff on RAW are crap?

Monday, February 10, 2003

More sad news today: Curt "Mr Perfect" Hennig was found dead in a hotel room in Tampa, FL today. Cause of death is still unknown.

RAW was in Montreal the night after Wrestlemania X8. In the Heat tapings, Curt came out for a tag match. He may have been in town for a house show years earlier, but I don't remember. To my memory, this was the first time I'd seen Mr Perfect live. The crowd pop was incredible.

Now, Minessota has lost two great wrestlers, both too young. First Rick Rude, now Curt. That's extremely sad.