Saturday, April 10, 2004

Two more cuts were made from the WWE this week: Sean O'Haire and Terri Runnels.

Both are a shame for different reasons. O'Haire had a lot of potential as an athletic big man for the fed. His initial 'Devil's Advocate' character had a lot of sizzle to it. Once they got him in as Roddy Piper's protegee, his future looked very good.

Then Piper was released, and Sean's career just went downhill. The fed didn't seem to know what to do with him, and they delegated him to Velocity. I thought that putting Mark Jindrak and Sean in a tag team again would add much to the tag division and to his career... but it didn't happen.

Terri brought some great memories over the years. She wasn't ever an even halfway good wrestler... but I'll show my masculine testosterone here: she provided some fantastic eye candy over the years.

She also lasted the longest with the fed of all the divas: about 9 years.

This week's RAW wasn't as good as the past two, but it wasn't as bad to me as some thought.

Yes, the Eugene character as it is could be incredibly lame, and as Rick Scaia suggested, a character worth lower mid-card potential at best... but you had Shelton Benjamin beat Triple H again (though a count-out isn't as good as a clean pinfall), and a tremendous ECW-grade promo by Mick Foley... these things alone made it even more enjoyable.

Smackdown! on the other hand... amazing flip-flop here... this was actually a real dud this week. Theodore Long as Mark Jindrak's new manager? Big deal. John Bradshaw Layfield as number one contender? I hope that will just be on TV, because I can't see that as a selling point for a PPV.

These two shows must have been planned in the Star Trek Mirror Mirror universe!