Monday, January 29, 2001

I just read this news in two different sheets (Wrestling-Online & Prowrestling Digest), so I'm going to go out on a limb and take it as reality: Dennis Knight aka Mideon is the latest wrestler the WWF have given a release.

Many of the things said are that the boys liked him, and that his personality and upbeat attitude kept him employed in the federation for a long time... but what ultimately matters to me is how he seemed in the ring.

Whether as Phinneas Godwin, Ministry Minion, as himself in Southern Justice, even as Naked Mideon... no matter the character, he stunk up the ring. He has very little in the way of workrate, he always looked like an overweight goof, and matches involving him proved to be bathroom breaks in any PPV.

Now, maybe we'll be fortunate enough that Viscera will be released too. A man whose only claims to fame are being overweight and clumsy doesn't warrant a place on TV.

(Mind you, I understand the WWF are interested in signing Rhino from ECW... so I guess they still think low-workrate no-sellers have a place in the fed.)


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