Friday, December 24, 2004

I finished watching my recording of the holiday Smackdown! in Iraq today. Good thing I recorded it... I fell asleep through most of it while it aired!

I'm not in the least denigrating the contribution of troops... these people are making a tremendous sacrifice for their country. The least they deserve is a few minutes airtime!

What I DID find dull though were the matches they were presented. Firstly: anyone who thought heels would go over here, take yourselves outside for a beating. Still, the matches they were given, except for the main event tag bout, were really horrible.

I'd already said how Undertaker-Heidenreich would be bad, but they topped those concerns. 10 minutes of punch/punch/kick, kick/punch/punch. Then to add to the pain, they put Bob Holly on for more of the same!

The troops deserve much better than that!


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