Sunday, July 18, 2004

Say goodbye to the Stinkface... just before returning to WWE, "Rikishi" (Fatu) has been given his pink slip.

He was interesting in his early months as this character. His match against then World champion HHH during the McMahon-Helmsley era was pretty good. He was in the federation for 11 years, going from a successful stint as a Headshrinker to the less-than successful "Make a Difference" Fatu and The Sultan (anyone else remember him checking a watch all through his last match as that character?), fortunately taking one that worked with fans.

Problem was he didn't try anything new with the character for a long time, and his matches became predictable and tedious. The reasons given for his dismissal are his weight problems, but considering how much Vince believes in mostly pushing the "big guys" that doesn't quite hold water. I think his staleness was also a big factor.


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