Sunday, October 12, 2003

Sorry I haven't posted anything here the past few weeks. A large part of that is due to the sub-par product of late put out by the WWE.

Let's start by looking at RAW. By all rights, Kane would be dead from that car accident. I can't see any realistic way for him to come back. Plus after the true death of Owen Hart in the ring, it was in very poor taste.

From a booking standpoint, how do you keep Kane a heel (and Shane McMahon a face) after this? You can't come away from this feeling happy about Kane being injured like this. It just makes the whole scene murkier

Add the fact that it overshone the actual matches (you know, wrestlers wrestle WWE), cutting out much of the Scott Steiner vs. Spike Dudley bout. Granted, any reason not to see Scott is a good thing in my book, but it just feels wrong for setting a story flow.

Speaking of Steiner, the bellyto-belly suplex has now become a banned move. I suspect he's the reason (the Steiner Brothers have often been known for legitimately hurting people in the ring. They're almost as careless as Goldberg) but it does make his limited arsenal moreso.

Smackdown! isn't faring much better of late. Trying to push A-Train down our throats again never works to please... but this whole storyline of Eddie Guerrero and The Big Show centering around poop? I'm glad I tape the shows for my viewing, so I can skip these segments.


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