Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Did you hear the sound last night? The sound of millions of televisions switching away from RAW right after Triple H swore to play a "salicious" videotape of Kane proving he was a necrophiliac? I stomached the rest of the show to review it, but it wouldn't surprise me if few others did. This storyline was already pathetic and disgusting; they would have been wise to drop it. Instead, they will run it into the ground, same as they're doing with the show.

TSN pre-empted the video as soon as "Triple-Kane" copped a feel on the alleged body. It's dumb on their part only because it was already blurred out, but for once I was glad not to have to see it!

Jerry Lawler continued to earn the Tony Shiavonne award for bad announcing, hyping this storyline with every breath.

Now the Big Show is traded to Smackdown!? Why won't it surprise me that he still sucks there too.

Overall though, RAW is consistent - consistently bad.


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