- RAW had some interesting bits, although not all of the good kind...
I'm surprised first that nobody else mentioned it, but Randy Orton blew his finish spot big time in his match against Christian. Fortunately, he was pro enough to stay in place for Randy to do it again, but a screw-up this big on live TV really looks bad.
That now the Intercotinental title will be phased out at No Mercy is something I see as a bad idea. There has to be a secondary singles title... too many performers just aren't up there to fit the World title scene. A secondary title gives them a chance to develop toward it.
Also, having Kane against Triple H is a lose-lose scenario. If HHH wins (the most likely scenario) then the conspiracy theorists will feel they have more ammo. There's enough backlash against him that it could have a major negative impact on the brand.
Kane is equally a problem as the winner. He's popular with fans, but having him as the top guy just won't sit well with a lot of fans.
- Smackdown! wasn't as good as last week, but it was pretty close. A lot of solid in-ring work there.
Giving the brand its own tag champions is an idea I predicted a while back. I knew each brand had too many tag team wrestlers to waste.
They also made a nice swerve. From the first match, we thought the guys they wanted to advance would face mid-carders, and the victor would be predictable. Then they broke the formula: D-Von and Batista (who we would predict to lose, because of their storyline friction) turned out to be D-Von and Farooq - and they won. Nice surprise, WWE.
- On Confidential, we learned that Fit Finlay is the agent behind the Divas learning to wrestle.
That was a surprise. In-ring, I found him a dull performer - but now he's proving more useful!
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