Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Well, desperate measures yet again brings Vince McMahon to bring in potentially bad decisions: first he brought back Vince Russo (fortunately dropping him fast) now Eric Bishoff.

One good decision came down: the nWo is done and gone. Too many bad breaks just made it undoable. I'm just wondering what they'll now do with the talents oce they return.

- but Bishoff... all through his speech I expected someone to come out to punk him out. He's done so much good stuff? Anyone else remember the Team Challenge Series, the angle that led to the death of the AWA? The incredibly dull WCW Clash in Korea?

He had some success for a while... but face facts Eric: if you throw crap at the wall long enough, something will stick. Lucky choices don't make up for a string of failures.


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