Thursday, December 06, 2001

Well, pink slip mania has begun at WWFE the news from wrestling-online newsletter:

- WWF official Johnny Ace is in Cincinnati, OH., today speaking to the talents at the WWF farm system at HWA. However, his appearance is not about good news, but bad news for most of the guys. Today serves as a 'cleaning house' day, with Ace giving the pink slips to many up and coming superstars. Bob Ryder of reported that former WCW stars Jimmy Yang, Kid Romeo, Lash Laroux, Allan Funk, Elix Skipper and Reno were already told that they will be cut from the roster. The list is much bigger than that but not all names are yet known.

Hmm... Laroux I won't shed a tear over; I always said I was annoyed by him. Allen Funk I never knew anything about. Yang, Romeo, Elix and Reno though... these are talented wrestlers, guys with a lot of potential who weren't given a chance. Plus, they're mostly cruiserweights.

I guess McMahon is going back to his practice of giving only big men a shot. Not that it's ever worked, but he obviously never learns.


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