Heat fails on so many levels, it isn't funny... let's start with this idea of bands and videos on the show. What do they add? It was bad enough when the Heat package began to use videos and music as part of their summary of the week - but now it's worse. Who watches wrestling just to check out the latest videos? Not many; the concepts don't mix.
Then there's the setting. WWF New York could be fitting... but having to stand and watch the matches on a screen, instead of just being in the arena... it just feels wrong.
Next, the hosts. DJ Scribble has no place near wrestling. Rebecca is nice eye candy, but she has even less reason to be there than Todd Pettengil. Tazz...
Every week, I mourn more the loss of a great ring talent, washed down into a third-rate comedian. He just isn't funny. Even less so than Jerry Lawler - and anyone who's read ABomanation for awhile knows how little I think of him.
No, MTV Heat is a failing experiment every week.
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