Saturday, August 10, 2002

The latest issue of the now-returned The Bagpipe Report came out yesterday. Editor/writer Blake Norton gives permission to reprint the articles with proper attribution, but it's too long for me to copy here.

In essence, it's a long angry rant against Hunter Hearst Helmsley and his recent speech to all the boys in the back.

Do I often agree with Blake's views? Yes. This time, not really.

Yes, Hunter was a dull mid-carder in his earlier Blueblood days. Yes, his Wrestlemania match and subsequent title reign were underwhelming. However, look at the year plus of top draw matches before his injury. Look at the fan reaction when he returned. Those weren't phony events tacked onto a dull second-stringer, one only at the top of the card because he's sleeping with Stephania McMahon. Remember, they weren't even involved during his DX days.

Blake has worked in the indies, so he has a credible viewpoint - but not in this. At least, not to me.


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