Montreal fans seem smarter, more into giving heat than any crowd I've seen on TV. What was interesting though was how we uniformly boo'd supposed faces (we all seem to dislike Billy Gunn and the Rock for instance) while cheering certain heels (Tazz and Kanyon come to mind).
I won't give a full recap here, as I said, but I'll share some thoughts:
- how to know a guy is over 101: even Rob Van Dam's video promos got cheers.
- the pyrotechnics were LOUD
- not only does Stephanie have an annoying voice, I'll have to watch the show just to hear what she said.
- as in Ottawa, Earl Hebner wasn't here.
- Raymond Rougeau is definitely Jacque's brother... he came out with a huge balding top.
It was a fun night, and I can hardly wait to see if we got on air Thursday.
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