I just got home from watching Backlash far from being the suck-fest some predicted, it had some major moments:
(NOTE: Here be some spoilers. If you haven't seen the show yet, and want to, don't read this. I don't want to spoil any surprises.)
- The Hardcore title match again was a match with Rhyno in it that I enjoyed.
Although he finished the match with a Crashing Bore - sorry, Gore - the Gore straight into a shopping cart was an impressive spot. - The Last Man Standing match to me cemented Shane McMahon as the new craziest of his clan - although I considered his plunge more of a "is he out of his frikken mind?" spot. Owen Hart died in a fall from a similar height. I just hope he's okay.
- The Main Event saw Triple H become a member of the Grand Slam Club, joining Austin, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and the Rock. It wasn't as bad a match as I expected, and even Stephanie took some serious bumps!
Plus, Jerry Lynn debuted on Heat, immediately winning the Light Heavyweight title from Crash. I just hope he gets to really show his stuff the next time.
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