Tuesday, March 27, 2001

So far, I've only seen the RAW part of the end of the Monday Night Wars (TSN will air Nitro tomorrow). Some of the predictions for appearances proved false ( Edge/Christian and The Hardy Boyz were definitely on RAW, with WCW workers only showing on tape; maybe the same was done on Nitro?), but it was a night of cool stuff:

* Chris Jericho pulling a swerve as Doink was great.

* The setup for Shane McMahon 'owning' WCW worked to a T.

* Mick Foley's return. They managed to bring him back in a not too-contrived way.

* The Rock using a Stunner! Wouldn't surprise me if Stone Cold lands a Rock Bottom on Smackdown

At the very least, this RAW was great build-up for Wrestlemania X-7... and I'm really looking forward to Nitro tomorrow. (There's something you don't hear these days.)


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